There are relatively few long-term risks associated with intense pulsed light treatment. Short-term potential side effects of IPL™ photofacial treatment include very minor swelling, redness, and increased visibility of small capillaries. These symptoms usually begin to disappear within a few hours of treatment.
Blistering and bleeding has been reported in very rare cases, and hyper- and hyperpigmentation (darkening and lightening of the skin) have been reported as well. Scarring has been reported, but this too is very rare.
If you are honest and thorough with your physician about your medical history, you will most likely not encounter any severe complications from IPL™ photofacial treatment. Some factors that would prevent you from safely receiving treatment include pregnancy, open lesions, skin cancer, and keloid formation (excessive raised scarring). Be sure to discuss your medical history and any medications you are currently taking with your skin care specialist before undergoing treatment.